Random Strange Fiction
May 24, 2006by Bradley Mason Hamlin -Strange - 1 Page - Ace looked at the sun with his eyes semi-protected by black shades. For a moment he wondered if he could tell the time from the position the big ball held in the sky. He shrugged his…
The whole story...A Cream Filled Existence
November 15, 20015 Pages I watched his pudgy face devour the ho-ho. The cream filled kind. The tubby little man did not even stop to savor the ho-ho; I wasn't even sure he was enjoying it. He didn't love the ho-ho. I loved the ho-ho. He just…
The whole story...The Janitors Puppies
April 27, 2008I am the janitor at the McShwartz School for mentally ill children. 'Nuff said. Every day I watch kids come in, and they most likely won't come out in the same physical state they went in. That happened to one kid, and when his father,…
The whole story...Progress
May 9, 2004Sci-Fi - 5 Pages - Dr. Anne Patterson stepped from the ship with reticence. After a three-month journey, they'd finally arrived. She hadn't been sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't the beauty that greeted her. Where Earth had so long been covered with…
The whole story...Sandcastles
December 16, 2021-Strange - 11 Pages - This story begins in the age of myth. It was a time when demons haunted nights, mushrooms housed gnomes, and knights fought dragons. I wasn’t just Anthony, I was Sir Anthony. I had just begun the fourth grade at a…
The whole story...Random Columns
Reality or Delusion?
May 26, 2024I was drinking rum and Djarjar juice with Schmelnoz in the 17th dimension the other night—actually it was technically the 175/8ths dimension, but let’s not split hairs—and he said something that I’ve been thinking about ever since. He said it is well known among most…
I'm interested, I'll read more...Just Another Day
December 4, 2022Well, I spent hours this week on my story about the History of the Earth to help explain why dogs eat their own poo. But I didn't like the direction of this last installment, so I fired the leading character and a rewrite will show…
I'm interested, I'll read more...The Planckojiffy
April 7, 2024The shortest unit of time recognized by The Interuniversal Transdimensional Time Travel Council of Geneva, Wisconsin (or ITTTC) is the Planckojiffy*. And the reason that the Planckojiffy is the shortest recognized unit of time is because the Planckojiffy just so also happens to be the…
I'm interested, I'll read more...My Drinking Habit…
May 1, 2022Since I do work in a go go bar, a lot of the patrons ask me what it takes to get me drunk. I can tell you truthfully, it doesn't take much!! I met my husband Ralph while standing in line at a grocery store.…
I'm interested, I'll read more...I’m Finally Set Free Due To A Stupid Family Tragedy
June 6, 2009Chickenfoot---ChickenfootMoTW---Ninja CheerleadersFinally the day came when the woman decided to let me out of thebasement and it only took a nasty accident for this to happen.The woman's stepsister decided to cut the grass last week and alsodecided to clear out the grass clog from the…
I'm interested, I'll read more...It’s All About Us!
The Latest Weirdcrap News for the Uninformed!
April 21, 2024Stop by here for the recent additions, announcements, news, and anything else that’s crawling out of my a**, or should I say, the strange and surreal corners of our website. The weird crap never stops…
Read MoreWhat Are We? A Definitive Explanation of TheWeirdcrap.com
February 27, 2024You get a nice library of strange stories and weird fiction that's been accumulating since 2000. You also get access to Short Attention Span Stuff; comics, memes, and jokes. Browse around, read a story or…
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