Submit a story, column, meme, or comic.
No Login Required, just fill out the form and hit submit.
Past your story in the form and submit. Or if you feel safer using your own email service, send it to (no attachments please, copy the story to the body of your email).
We run on 3 simple rules…Please review the Terms.
Terms of Service:
All: When selecting the submit button I confirm I agree to the terms, and I am 13 years of age or older.
Fiction/Columns/Blogs: The submitter confirms that they are posting original work. The author retains all publication rights to their submissions.
Memes/Comics: The public is protected from submitting content from another website, blog, or social media feed. However, if you did not create your submission, we ask that you include the source in the content area. We’ll link to that source as a common courtesy.
Disclaimer: We’re not in the censoring business, nor are we qualified to provide professional critiques; however, experience tells us not to promise to publish everything submitted.