Your TheWeirdcrap Account Page

  • Select “Submit Story” to submit fiction!
  • Select “Posts” to see all your previous submissions.
  • Select “Edit Profile” to change your password.
  • If you somehow get lost in this maze, scroll down and select the “Account” link to bring you back here!
  • IGNORE the “Billing Address” Link. It means nothing. It came with the program and I can’t get rid of it!
You must register to access this page...go to "Submit Stories - Register" to continue.

Terms of Service:

When selecting the submit button I confirm I agree to the terms and I am 13 years of age or older.

The submitter confirms that they are posting original work. The writer retains all publication rights to their submissions.

Disclaimer: We’re not in the censoring business, nor are we qualified to provide professional critiques; however, experience tells us not to promise to publish anyything submitted.

Register / Login / Account


(This logout link will take you to the default wordpress logout page.)