Looks like Bob TRIED to write a roadtrip column and miserably failed.
Go ahead and give it a read. I’ll wait.
See what I mean? Where’s the actual roadtrip? Why are we getting crap about Santa and toenails and dumpsters (which is true, but he failed to mention it was a KFC dumpster that was used exclusively for old coleslaw so he was and still is a stinky lad) and absolutely NOTHING about the trip on the road?
Oh, wow. I read it and expected (by the title) that I, the master, taught he, the young padewan, how roadtrip columns are to be.
Am I to blame? Is his complete and utter failure on me or is there something quite possibly wrong with him.
If idiots can picket for Saturn to be brought back, I say folks should picket our headquarters until Bob learns how to write a column correctly.
Boy, am I peeved. I was going to share a column I wrote back in 1976 about all the bicentennial happenings and just had to throw that to the side.
Thanks, Bob. You idiot.