Dear Bel:
You recently scared the crap out of me. You told me to keep an eye on my husband because his behavior indicated that he might be possessed. But every since he has gotten possessed the sex has been great! I still love him and don’t really mind him throwing up on the floor and calling me bad names. But now he has started pissing in the clean clothes and licking the TV when food commercials come on and I am really worried.
Dear Kate,
What the hell are you thinking! I remember telling you that it was time to take an ax to your husband and free the earth of the curse of his existence forever. Instead, you fornicate with the beast? If the ax solution does not seem feasible, you could start taking a lot of drugs and pretend that your husband is not demon possessed. Believe me, it is worth a little legal trouble to get rid of a demon.
COMING NEXT: Good Samaritans!