I am almost officially a freak!!!!

I have been granted a work permit that allows me to leave prison in order to travel to nearby towns as part of a freak show. This is something all women dream of, and now it’s my reality!!!

My breast has now grown to an astronomical size and I can barely walk, much less stand upright. This is great!! I only wish I still was a dancer because the tips would be fantastic!!!

I will be travelling with Ferret Boy so he can show me the ropes. When I first met him, I must admit that I was a little scared especially when he smiled and I saw all those sharp pointy teeth. But, my fears diminished when he promised me that he was fully litter trained and that he was only awake for about an hour a day. Now, if all men were like this??!!

I heard that they have a man with all his inner organs on the outside of his body, plus there is an actual alien embryo in a jar!!! That depresses me a little but because it will probably only bring back memories of my alien baby, but I will try to remain strong.

The doctor who prescribed the drug that caused my breast to grown made me promise that I would only take one pill a day until he can see if there are any other side effects. So, I’ll be making money while making strangers happy AND helping out science!!!

This weekend is my first 50 shows and I’ll probably make at least $25.00!!! That’s serious money, much more then I made a whole month as a dancer!!! If I play my cards right, I’ll be able to put some of this money aside so that I can go to secretarial school which has been my lifelong dream.

Hopefully I’ll be coming to a town near you and we can “hook up”. I’m legal and clean so anything goes!!!

See ya!!

NEXT WEEK: I’m a star!!!!!

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Webmaster and editor of TheWeirdcrap.com. I obtained a bachelor's degree in micro-biology around the turn of the century but was quickly tracked down and forced to return it to its rightful owner and pay a $25 fine. *** A fan of science fiction, I started this website in 1999 as a portal for science fiction stories that have never been published. *** Completely devoid of talent, I decided to call on the public to supply content. Shortly afterwards Stephen and I started writing weekly columns and have continued to this day.


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