Even Less Pummelin’! by Stephen Johnson
I could tell the the barracuda was quite angry by the way it thrashed around.
“Jeez, what do you want now?” I asked.
“Oh, you know,” he replied while trying to hold onto the slippery fish.
Suddenly there was a shuffling behind me and Slait’s eyes widened.
“Kittens??!! How cute!” he exclaimed.
I turned around and, yep, there were those kittens. Slait bent over to pet one of them and the barracuda slipped out of his grasp and fell moistly to the floor .
After a few twitches and flops, it lay still.
“Is it dead?” I asked.
Slait walked over to the prone body and nudged it with his foot. Then the kittens swarmed over the dead fish and had themselves an early afternoon snack.
“Well, it is now,” Slait said. .
Then the doorbell rang. Since it still is the season for PCH, I stepped over a bunch of contented kittens and flung open the door.
Instead of PCH, I found myself staring down at a pen and piece of paper.
Behind the pen and paper was Slait Piperiz.
And he looked really excited.
“Remember me?” he asked as he forced his way into my home.
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