We got around 8.5 inches of snow yesterday afternoon/evening.
It was the really wet & heavy stuff so it was really fun taking care of it this morning. Don’t believe in a gas powered snow blower since the upkeep is such a pain, so we have a battery operated one. Wait, we have a battery powered one to help the environment.
Got through around 90% of the driveway/street before the battery died. Then had to shovel. No big deal, just wanted you to know.
Sad thing is that we had an ice storm a few weeks ago and it just tore apart our pine tree in the backyard. Have a couple piles of branches and limbs that I really can’t do anything with since yard waste pickup doesn’t begin until April. So, there they sit.
Of course this heavy wet snow doesn’t seem to be doing us any favors. There’s a couple branches touching the ground, will just have to wait until the snow on them melts to see if they spring back to their former glory. If not, more towards the piles.
Picked up a small Ryobi chainsaw last week since it’s, um, good for the environment. Haven’t had a chance to run around with it yet, but hopefully soon. I want me to do some cuttin’!
And Bob bitches about driving in six inches of snow. How about 8.5 inches? Huh? How about that, Bob?
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