Trouble again

Well now that I got my computer situation all situated, I’m writing on windows vista. It’s kinda neat but, I think I need an upgraded graphic card for it to run fast. For the amount of memory it requires (512 SDRAM), it doesn’t go as quick as I expected but I think this was made for the gamer generation who all have fancy-smancy graphic cards.

When I went online to blog my blog, the site was offline, sorry. It should be back up by the time I am done writing this. My server company is cheap, but they have a problem getting stuff straight once in a while.

Speaking of servers and what not, did you know has been up and running for eight years!

Since I have nothing else to write about, I’m giving you a history…

Before there was MySpace, before, there was Geocities, homestead, and Angelfire as companies that gave folks free web sites. We started the on Angelfire, then we went fancy and got as a free web redirect, it still works (they pop up an add).

Then we went razzle-dazzle and got domain for free! Now this is funny, all I had to do is give them my email address and the company sent me spam in return for a free domain. They went out of business the first year and I’ve been paying for the domain ever since.

We jumped to about four free server companies before we got to the one we’re on now about five years ago, but it ain’t free.

When we started, I just wanted something to do with my spare time since my wife was finishing college. Now we got two kids, two cars and two jobs, and a house…boy do things change! I can barely keep up with posting a weekly column.

Well that’s it, since I’ve been paying for server space for five years go ahead and read a few short stories…we got a million of ’em!

and now you know!

COMING NEXT: That Republican War machine thing!

Bob Senitram

Webmaster and editor of I obtained a bachelor's degree in micro-biology around the turn of the century but was quickly tracked down and forced to return it to its rightful owner and pay a $25 fine. *** A fan of science fiction, I started this website in 1999 as a portal for science fiction stories that have never been published. *** Completely devoid of talent, I decided to call on the public to supply content. Shortly afterwards Stephen and I started writing weekly columns and have continued to this day.

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