We stopped pointing at what caused our surprised yelps.
We stood there, still stunned.
After a few moments, but what felt like minutes, I decided to speak.
“I can’t decide if I want a cigarette or pudding right now.”
“Seems like we have lots of time, so why not have both?” asked the HR lady.
“I don’t have any pudding!”
She laughed.
This caused me to laugh.
Star Child Two laughed.
What we were previously pointing at laughed.
The HR lady stopped laughing and yelped.
I stopped laughing and yelped.
Star Child Two continued laughing.
What we were previously pointing at continued laughing.
I pointed at what we were previously pointing at.
The HR lady pointed at what we were previously pointing at.
Star Child Two continued laughing.
What we were again pointing at continued laughing.
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