The Journey To HR, Part 16!

It was a small fart.

But it was quite stinky.

She opened windows I didn’t even know were there, turned on fans I didn’t even know were there and opened a bunch of those Renuzit air fresheners I didn’t even know were….there.

“Did you ever see the movie ‘Strange Days’?” she asked as she waved her hands in front of her nose.

“Why, yes. Yes I have. Actually went to a matinee with Bob. Cost us seven dollars each.”

“Did you know that movie made less than eight million dollars?”

“Yep, and 14 dollars of that came from us. But what does that have to do with anything?”

“Nothing at all. Just remember reading some of your old crap and that was mentioned. Makes me think that I should just read some of your recent crap to see why you needed to come see me.”

“You would do that? For me?”

“Nope. For me!”

With that she grabbed a hammer and nails and then somehow knocked me out.

When I woke up, I found myself hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Just like Jesus, but no nails thru the hands.

So halfway like Jesus.

Am I the New Messiah?

More Lunatic Ravings…

Read a new Lunatic Ravings every Saturday!

Stephen Johnson

The idea of building a website with Bob came from Stephen in the days of message boards and chat rooms. We settled on the name and the rest is history. Retired since he hit the ripe age of 25, he spends most his time doing odd-jobs around the house and digging thru trash bins for "stuff that's still good." Stephen has contributed several short stories and hosted the "Lunatic Ravings" column since the beginning (1999). The idea of writing weekly columns came from Stephen before blogs or blog sites ever existed. So, I guess that makes him THE FIRST BLOGGER IN THE WORLD!!!

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