The Cosmic Chili, Beer & Weed Fest

The Cosmic Chili, Beer & Weed Fest is a celebration that is/was/will be held upon several select and unforgettable occasions and occurs/occurred/will occur at various locations throughout the entirety of traversable time and space.  It’s essentially a reoccurring and never-ending party, but a reoccurring and never-ending party that is organized and thrown by Time Travellers, so that you not only never know where the next one’s going to be held, you also never know when it’s going to be held.

Also, as Time Travellers the celebrants don’t always attend the various Fests in the same order in time as each other.  So you never know for sure who’s coming or going or where or when anybody you meet there has recently been.

So, as a formality, everybody always has to ask each other certain basic perfunctory questions.

Questions such as, “In your Timeline has Purdue won the NCAA championship yet?”

Or, “In your Timeline have they released The Matrix XVII yet?”

Or, “In your Timeline has Donald Trump taken over Uranus yet?”

Now of course all those questions are made up.  Revealing actual questions would disclose too much to NTTs about The Future.

But he totally takes over Uranus.

Also, that Purdue question is actually a running gag at CCBWs because every Time Traveller knows that Purdue never wins the NCAA championship.

The name alone should tell you what is generally celebrated and consumed at the CCBW.  But pretty much anything else goes as well, so you never know just exactly what to expect.  Except maybe to hang out with a bunch of freaks and to have the time of your life, and probably also to see some breathtaking and explosive fart fireworks being fired off through wormholes to startle and bewilder unsuspecting victims strewn throughout time and space.

The participants in the CCBW have a saying:  “Everyone is welcome at The Cosmic Chili, Beer & Weed Fest.  But The Cosmic Chili Beer & Weed Fest is not for everyone.”

Nobody can remember when the first CCBW occurred or who organized it.  As far those who participate in it are concerned it has just always been going on.

Every now and then a fellow Time Traveller will pop by and tell you they just heard of a new CCBW going on somewhere somewhen.

But of course by then it probably isn’t really “new” at all.

It may have already happened, or it may have not even happened yet.

But the important part is it’s HAPPENING and you’d be a damn fool to miss it.

I can’t even tell you how many CCBWs I’ve attended let alone how many I’ve yet to attend.

I’m undoubtedly attending several of them right now even as I write this.

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Spamrider of the Apocalypse is just some crazy dude who contacted us out of the blue one day claiming to be a time traveler who had discovered that he had already been publishing information on our website for years while he was visiting the future.  Neither me or Steve had ever heard of him before so we don’t know if he’s ACTUALLY crazy or what, but he’s definitely weird, and is probably full of crap, so we both just looked at each other, shrugged are shoulders, and pretty much just went with it.

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