Would tell you about what happened at the Verizon store, but that will just have to wait.
The woman is now fine. Her “episode” lasted until Wednesday of this week and, after all the cleanup, all is normal.
Well, kind of.
I had warned her that I had heard that it wasn’t that good even though it (somehow) made a ton of money. But, she loved the first one so there was not stopping her.
Before I hit the play button, I warned her again. I mentioned three guys that said that it wasn’t good, that it was kind of laughably bad. She didn’t care.
I trust those guys from “Three Bean Salad” even though they’re British. They’re quite funny, so give them a listen. Even though they’re British.
So hit play I did and I wandered away to watch something else in the basement. After a couple hours, I went upstairs and she was sitting on the couch watching that movie with a rather pained expression on her face.
I thought it might be gas, and asked how was was doing.
“This is not good. I keep on expecting it to get better, but……..”
I grabbed the remote to see how much time was left.
43+ minutes.
“Really? I thought it would be over in 15 minutes. I keep on expecting it to get better!”
43 minutes was too much of her to take, so I turned it off.
“Maybe if I get sick I’ll watch the rest.”
That probably won’t happen.
I did mention (courtesy of those British guys) how all the Na’vi folk looked like Liam Neeson?
“THEY DID!” she said, laughing sadly.
Thanks, Avatar sequel. You depressed her.
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