All because of me!!
See, Bob wrote a “sitcom” last week and that’s a big no-no because of the strike.
Now he’s in writer’s jail!
Some people might think that’s a bit harsh due to all of our history, but I can’t count how many times he’s had me sent to jail since I really can’t count.
That reminds me of an article that I kind of read this past week.
Something about how the newest Indiana Jones movie is what’s wrong with Hollywood these days.
Guess the author of this article is part of that Tikety Tokety generation that needs their watchin’ to be a couple minutes or less since they have issues keeping focused on something longer than that.
They shouldn’t be writing articles so stupid so they too need to go to jail. Put them in the same cell a Bob and watch what happens.
Bob will probably fall into the metal toilet since he’s a wee man and………
I got nothing after that.
Seriously though. The movie is TOO LONG? Betcha that author has seen every Marvel movie and thinks they’re just the bomb (and they really aren’t).
The longer the movie (except Marvel), the better. If you want to watch a good Marvel movie, watch the 1990 version of “Captain America”. Sure, it’s only 97 minutes, but it’s a good one.
So, see that version and watch long movies (other than Marvel ones).