Select the year for a list of that year’s science fiction submissions.

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  • 11/04 - Witches of Rascar Pablo – The Complete Novel (by Kristopher Lawrence)
    We are excited to present a unique addition to the complete novel, “Witches of Rascar Pablo”, submitted by Kristopher Lawrence. Previously published in separate installments, we’re now providing links…
  • 10/07 - Barrage of the Dead (by Jason Earls)
    Barrage of the Dead by Jason Earls Dan sat at his dining room table working on a new piece of origami when a mangled, bug-eyed, undead man, entered his house…
  • 08/12 - Creation By Fire (by Michael J. Shuler Sr.)
    A burned and battered man turned slowly, rolling over on his back. Pain shot through his body. He started to lift his right arm, but stabbing agony shot through it,…
  • 07/01 - Interfacing (by Randy Bone)
    “What the hell are you doing?” I asked him. “Interfacing,” he said. “With your shirt?” “This shirt is a microfiber weave quantum computer,” he replied as he kept tapping imaginary…
  • 04/01 - Witches of Rascar Pablo: Part III (by Kristopher Lawrence)
    Witches of Rascar Pablo: Part IIIBy Kristopher LawrenceEdited by Gao Rong Chapter 10: Katatòn Y en cuanto a los que se encuentranbajo la luna de Kataton,Evadan la exaltación,y tengan cuidado…
  • 03/18 - Witches of Rascar Pablo: Part II (by Kristopher Lawrence)
    Witches of Rascar Pablo: Part IIBy Kristopher LawrenceEdited by Gao Rong Chapter 7: Death of a Cop Tal violación,castigada con fuego y azufre,a menudo se tratasimplemente con azufre. Such a…
  • 03/04 - Witches of Rascar Pablo: Part I (by Kristopher Lawrence)
    Witches of Rascar Pablo: Part IIBy Kristopher LawrenceEdited by Gao Rong Prologue Lucas frantically negotiated the narrow stone walkway leading up to the church. Signs indicative of an all-too-familiar happening…
  • 02/05 - Surprise Package (by Brian Sellnow)
    – Sci-Fi – 1 Page – The crying was to be expected. The girls, after all, were only six years old and, despite their enhanced intelligence and intensive training, were…
  • 12/11 - My Farm (by Art Hernandez)
    My eyes opened slowly, and the room appeared again, the relaxant hum of the dome generators wavering through my gradually waking head – Tommy had started a fragrantly strong brew…
  • 08/15 - REDWING (by Chris Harris)
    Sci-Fi – 19 Pages – An eerie light filled the bay below as the moon hung powerless in the darkened sky. Above on the cliffs alone I waited; I knew…
  • 08/15 - THE DANCE (by Chris Harris)
    Sci-fi – 17 Pages – The sun fell like a hammer into the once turquoise sea and darkness was upon us in an instant. Of course the night offered no…
  • 07/01 - Ve=E Cosmo (by Woots)
    Introduction This story is fiction, and like most good fiction there have to be some facts distributed throughout the tale or it just doesn’t cut it. A tale of fantasy…
  • 03/11 - Duzzies (by P.S. Gifford)
    Duzzies by P.S. Gifford -Sci-Fi – 1 Page – The prompt was Starlight- and I was thirty nine. It is short and admittedly clumsy- I found it on line- but…
  • 07/26 - I Want My Alien Back! (by ldagstine)
    Sci-Fi – 9 Pages “He’s not in Area 51? What do you mean he’s not in Area 51?” said Lou Diamond’s wife. “Then you better go after him.” “But, honey,…
  • 06/08 - Queen of the Damned (by BosleyG)
    The old queen never knew what hit him when you flew from the shadows and latched onto his leathery neck.  You didn’t know it was a pint and half of…
  • 05/09 - Decomposition (by harsawa)
    Sci-Fi – 12 Pages – 腐乱 By Kadath Bird & Chie Sakaguchi “Since the day we bit into the fruits of the knowledge of good and evil, mankind has known…
  • 05/03 - THE UNIVERSALITY OF MAUREEN (by AndrewSyers)
    Water gushes down from the showerhead onto me and my troubles are washed away.  They of course accumulate again, as does the dirt during the working day.  But a good…
  • 03/04 - You can call me Al (by Douglas L. Rains)
    by Douglas L Rains -Sci-Fi – 14 Pages – Chapter 1 Johnny Meyers was hurrying home from school and he was going to be in trouble. He had to stay…
  • 03/21 - DEADSVILLE: RANDY (by Eddie L. Whitlock)
    by Eddie L. Whitlock -Sci-Fi – 10 Pages – Prologue By the time the sun set on the first full day of the crisis, Sheriff Tommy Jennings was no longer…
  • 11/16 - Zeep In The City (by Joshua Blanc)
    -Sci-Fi – 3 Pages – Package runner Alpha One-Six, nicknamed `Zeep’ to endear him to Joe Public and his slobbering troglodyte family, had only been distracted for four hundredths of…
  • 06/01 - The Theory (by Tuck Pan)
    -Sci-Fi – 1 Page – “Cygnus! Cygnus…please come up. Eat something.” He pulled away reluctantly from his work. She wouldn’t possibly leave him alone for any longer. He might as…
  • 11/21 - Lunar’s Armor (by link)
    3 Pages Phoenix Rebirth, another technology brought to you by the Microsoft Union of companies, and by the technology of the fiftieth century. It costs a whopping, 50,000,000,000 Dollars for…
  • 09/05 - The Shadow of the Crimson Light (by Adrian Shepard)
    No, no and no! This is not, I repeat, not from the strains of over-working. Please, doctor, you of all people should see that I am indeed too excited and…
  • 05/09 - Progress (by A.C. Mattocks)
    Dr. Anne Patterson stepped from the ship with reticence. After a three-month journey, they’d finally arrived. She hadn’t been sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t the beauty that…
  • 08/25 - Discourse on a Hill (by Kevin L. Donihe)
    “The country needs you,” the guest implored, short of breath following his lengthy climb. “An entity such as yourself should have no problem bridging the gap between our two parties.…
  • 08/09 - The Mortis of Peace (by Submitted by Guest)
    by Aluric Dai 1 Page There was very little left towards the end of time. A great chaos had taken the people, some say a plague. Others just war. Life…
  • 05/31 - Iblis Concept (by Aluric Dai)
    Humanity had sent him. Iblis was human, of course, but not Humanity. Humanity was the single, but often times conflicting, controlling entity of the universe of thought and feeling. Iblis…
  • 04/20 - The Evil Lesbians (by Craig Snyder)
    Part One: Evil Humor – 2 Pages – In the far distant future, a band of Lesbians landed in their invisible spaceship somewhere in New Jersey.Suddenly, strange cosmic rays penetrated…
  • 02/20 - The Evil Women (by Craig Snyder)
    Part One: Evil In the far distant future, a band of women landed in their invisible spaceship somewhere in New Jersey.Suddenly, strange cosmic rays penetrated their bodies, turning some of…