(This Spamrider of the Apocalypse entry arrived in my refrigerator underneath the pickles dated July 17, 2047. -Bob)
Having now had some more opportunity to read through this website I can see now that me sending these messages back from The Future has already gotten this blog all out of whack and that some things just aren’t ever going to make any sense to the people reading it then until Time finally catches up.
As if any of it made any sense anyways.
Here in The Future they’ve actually fixed this bug because of course by now time travel is quite common.
But since you’re probably reading this before the fix was ever invented I guess you’re all just going to have to sort it out for yourselves.
I have faith in you.
Well actually no I don’t.
Not considering the shape you people left The Future in.
But there really isn’t much I can do about that at this point.
I guess this will teach me not to go messing around with the Laws of Physics.
(Yeah, right.)
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