There was a horrible, slurpy tearing sound.
I looked at the prone body of the HR lady and that’s where the sound was coming from.
The body moved.
I thought she was coming out of her silly faint.
Instead, her body tore apart and the HR lady climbed out of herself.
She was a bit shorter. Obviously.
“Hurry,” she said. “We’ve have to clean up this office pronto!”
She picked up her gooey mess and tossed it out another window that I hadn’t noticed before.
She handed me a broom.
“Get sweeping! Sweep. SWEEP!”
I stood there holding the broom as she grabbed a couple industrial sized Lysol canisters and sprayed the room until we were in a Lysol fog.
Like a madman with a fogged Lysol brain, I swept.
I swept everything.
Even the ceiling.
It was quite fun, actually.
And then…..
More Lunatic Ravings…
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