Lost And Found…

I lost my watch at a club. I thought I’d never find it, but decided to try anyway.
Sure enough I found it, but there was a dude standing on it.

The worst part was, he was being very handsy with this woman. When she made herself clear that she didn’t want “it,” he slapped her.

That’s when I had to spring into action and knocked him out.

Because you don’t hit a woman…not on my watch.

Source: @foadhp

More Jacked Up Jokes…


Webmaster and editor of TheWeirdcrap.com. I obtained a bachelor's degree in micro-biology around the turn of the century but was quickly tracked down and forced to return it to its rightful owner and pay a $25 fine. *** A fan of science fiction, I started this website in 1999 as a portal for science fiction stories that have never been published. *** Completely devoid of talent, I decided to call on the public to supply content. Shortly afterwards Stephen and I started writing weekly columns and have continued to this day.


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