Who’s That Girl?

Last week I mentioned that girl hanging around TheWeirdcrap headquarters, but I’m not worried about that right now, because I am at peace with myself and the rest of the world.

This is unusual for me, but I’ve turned over a new leaf!

I have found “The Way,” and it has brought peace unto my life.

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, listen. Listen to the words of wisdom and encompass everlasting peace.

Of course, I’m speaking of Barry.

Barry Manilow.

Go ahead, try it yourself. Get a glass of wine, put Barry on record player…and chill. If you don’t have a record player, go out and buy one, because the digital version of Barry just won’t do. It has to be a big, black round record.

Very peaceful. All because of Barry.

About that mystery woman hanging around TheWeirdcrap headquarters. This has piqued the interest of a few of my readers, like Joseph who wrote me this lovely letter:

Just so you know, I will put my money on you if there is a fight between you and that mystery woman. You have spunk and I like women with spunk.

That’s so sweet Joe! I DO have spunk and think I would have no problem beating that woman so badly, she’ll wish she’d never been born. I get my power from Barry Manilow and that is the highest power imaginable.

I still haven’t found who this woman is or what she wants. I get the feeling she is trying to avoid me, probably because she’s scared. I wouldn’t blame her. I sometimes scare myself with my perfectness.

Well, now I’m done with my wine so I have to go.

NEXT WEEK: More love from me.

More Chick Shit for Chic Chicks!

A new Chick Shit column every Wednesday!


Yvonne reached out to us unexpectedly, and her email was so entertaining that we offered her the Chick Shit column after Melissa departed. Please note that her opinions do not reflect those of the staff or management of Weirdcrap.com, nor do they represent any other person on this planet. Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy her work!

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