Something is definitely not right.
I’ve felt it for days now, but today I am sure.
I just found out that fucking Cher is still alive!
Which needless to say I found quite confusing. Because in the world I remember Cher died in a tragic skiing accident sometime back in the late 1990s. Before that she had become a politician.
Also, I’ve been looking back over my past entries in this column, which is also not even my column but that’s another story, and they are DEFINITELY not at all what I wrote.
At first I thought maybe Bob was fucking with me but since the new old entries weren’t full of typos I realized pretty quickly that he couldn’t have written them.
Besides, they just feel like things I could or would have written.
But I didn’t.
So who did?
And it’s not just Cher and my column. It’s tons of other little things as well.
I’m just now beginning to piece together the picture but I don’t want to say too much just yet. I’ve still got some more investigating to do.
In any event, as I try to get oriented to this apparent new reality I’ve been dumped into I guess I’ll just keep on with the column as it is and we’ll see where things go from here.
Be seeing you.
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