Do You Love or Hate my Moronic Coworkers?!!

When I can take a moment out of my busy schedule, I try to read columns by my moronic coworkers: “Ask Bob”, “Lunatic Ravings”, or “Spamrider of the Apocalypse”.

What I have noticed is that Bob always ends his column with a song, but the others don’t. Over the past few months, I’ve received several emails asking why?

Bob’s mind wanders a lot while he writes his column due to his drinking/drug problem. A song somehow filters through the fog in his brain and he has to let everyone know that he can actually remember something from the past. This makes him quite proud until the fog spreads through his brain again causing momentary blackouts and convulsions. He is reaching out for help every time he remembers a song, but nobody offers a helping hand. What a shame.

Stephen is psychotic. Music brings him no joy, so he has nothing to share. I’m told in the past he used to list a song in his head, but that was the old Stephen. The new Stephen is different. This is someone everyone needs to be very, very careful around.

Spamrider doesn’t share music because he’s from the future, or the past. If a song pops in his head he has no way of knowing if it exists yet, or if it ever will exist. He pops in and out of some kind of parallel universes, or something like that. He would rather read a classic novel than think about the noise people listen too these days! He’s my type of guy.

However, at this moment I am listening to music while I enjoy my daily glass of wine. I sometimes find that music is relaxing, especially when it’s something like Barry Manilow. As a matter of fact, that’s what exactly what ‘m listening to right now.

I have no worries at this moment because of Barry. The current state of our world and country is not causing me any distress right now. All because of Barry.

Well, I’m done with my wine so I have to go.

NEXT WEEK: A special Christmas message for you on Christmas Day!

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Yvonne reached out to us unexpectedly, and her email was so entertaining that we offered her the Chick Shit column after Melissa departed. Please note that her opinions do not reflect those of the staff or management of, nor do they represent any other person on this planet. Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy her work!

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