Infinite Being
By Dovin Melhee
There was an infinite being.
Infinite in ability.
Infinite in power.
Infinite in knowledge.
Infinite in intelligence.
Infinite in possibility.
Infinite and limitless in everything.
The being considered itself and was satisfied that it was limitless, perfect and complete.
But then the impossible happened.
The being thought of something that it lacked. It realized that there WAS something it was missing.
This one missing thing was a “limitation”. And so, in order to become complete, the being decided to create this one missing thing. After it was created, the being observed this newly created limitation and thought that it was strange and different from its limitless self. By necessity, the limitation existed separately outside of the limitless being — as a sort of limited nebulous blob. But the being desired to experience and know more of its creation.
So the being extracted many small finite subsets of itself, and inserted them into the limitation as types of experience-probes. These subsets each resembled small limited versions of the being. And each of the small beings were faulted, missing an infinity of ability, power and intelligence, leaving only a varying finite combination of each. The faulted beings experienced the limitation in a limited way. Time was experienced as a series of single moments, and space as a single location. And each beings existence was of a limited duration, with a single beginning and a single end.
But each limited being also had a subconscious memory of their initial infinite state and with this was an instinctive desire to attain this perfect state again. This led to much confusion and frustration. The small beings struggled against the nature of the limitation, and they struggled against the limitations of themselves and each other. They struggled in vain and sought various ways to gain, increase and expand themselves. There was much foolishness and futility. For the most part, chaos and disorder reigned.
Throughout this, the beings had an instinctive desire to understand the origin of themselves, their surroundings, and especially their creator. But try as they might, none of the finite beings could fully comprehend infinity. For they lacked an infinity of understanding.
Hmmm, this is not going anywhere.
Let’s start over………
There was an infinite being. Nevermind.
–excerpt from nSpace by Dovin Melhee
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copyright © 2010 by Dovin Melhee
all rights reserved