Confessions of a Professional Defuser by Randy Bone
Thought bombs are carefully designed psychological viruses routinely implanted into our heads from a very young age through the schools and later through the media.
The powerful devious minds behind it all call it “inoculation”.
Which is ironic you see because what they are inoculating against are ideas.
They know they can’t ever completely control everybody’s thinking. So what they have figured out how to do is to make sure from a very young age that if you ever do happen to think of something that they don’t want you thinking about that it will automatically trigger a sympathetic physiological response throughout your body usually ending in death.
Did you never wonder why the brightest luminaries almost always tend to get extinguished early on?
Thought bombs when triggered can manifest themselves in various ways depending on the nature of the implanted virus (aka the ”bomb”), the individual involved (aka the “thinker”), as well as a whole assortment of other extenuating circumstances.
In other words, it’s not an exact science.
But they definitely can do some real damage, as evidenced by all the real damage they have done.
While it’s not unusual for thought bombs to trigger cancers they have also been known to trigger heart attacks and strokes, as well as various painful degenerative diseases including leukemia, Parkinson’s, and Lupus. Fnord.
And the word on the street is that they’re getting better and better with the fine-tuning, and that they’ve been experimenting with non-lethal bombs—bombs that punish people for thinking things that while maybe aren’t worthy of death are certainly to be frowned upon.
Thought bombs can be disarmed, but with only one single exception since their creation, they can only be disarmed if they haven’t been triggered yet.
And some of them are easier to disarm than others. There are people out there with layers upon layers of booby traps laid out right there in their noggins, and some of them have been specially inoculated so as to make disarming them extremely difficult and dangerous. But you don’t run into those people very often, not even in my line of work. Most of the people who come to me to be disarmed and dismantled and deprogrammed are just your run of the mill basics—normal, everyday people who have only ever been exposed to the normal, everyday thought viruses. Those people are a piece of cake. It’s the government types you’ve got to watch out for. And the successful businessmen. And the academics. And definitely the politicians, though I’ve only ever came across one of those in all of my career. Thank God.