The Journey To HR, Part 17!

“Why do my feet hurt?” I asked.

“Because I nailed them to the ceiling!” she replied. “Now maybe your rooty-tooty butt can remember why you’re here!”

I tried striking my best JC pose but keeping my arms up like him was a bit tiring, so I let them dangle and experienced the glorious rush of the blood pooling into my brain.

Soon my brain and head started to hurt.

“Say, have you got a round thing with thorns that you can attach to my head? Might help with the pressure.”

She looked around and didn’t see anything round but she did her best to help with that pressure my pounding a few nails into the noggin.

I swayed for awhile.

“Hot time, summer in the city, back of my neck getting bloody and…..” I began.

She left the room, giving me a look of disgust right before slamming the door.

I continued humming the tune to myself until I began to feel tired.

“It’s almost time for the Bicentennial and I’ll be able to see the ships!”

Guess those were my final words.

Shortly after, I died.

More Lunatic Ravings…

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Stephen Johnson

The idea of building a website with Bob came from Stephen in the days of message boards and chat rooms. We settled on the name and the rest is history. Retired since he hit the ripe age of 25, he spends most his time doing odd-jobs around the house and digging thru trash bins for "stuff that's still good." Stephen has contributed several short stories and hosted the "Lunatic Ravings" column since the beginning (1999). The idea of writing weekly columns came from Stephen before blogs or blog sites ever existed. So, I guess that makes him THE FIRST BLOGGER IN THE WORLD!!!

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